This Disease is calling us to take Pause

COVID-19 has arrived and it has manifested in places in our brains, our hearts, our social activities and in the crevices of places that bring some to their darkest places they have ever experienced.

This is a deep pause in ourselves, our society and our world globally.
We are being called to take pause.
We are being called to reflect.
We are being called to see when you strip down your job, your family structures, your religion, your technology, your stuff, your personal fears, your global fears, your ego, again your stuff, your events, and all, what will you do?
We are being called to see what people do in grave situations both in the US and abroad.
We are being called to go in our hearts and look at the parts that are uncomfortable around being together in isolation. Where is their light, where is their darkness?
We are being called to look at ourselves. What do we contribute?
We are being called to look at our communities. How can we help others in this time?
We are being called to look at how the technology, social media and news affects us in deeper ways than we know.
We are being called to see that our brothers and sisters are getting this virus in their minds and bodies.
We are being called to listen.
We are being called to find our empathy and compassion .
We are being called to find calm.
We are being called to put down our technology.
We are being called to re-evaluate some things about our jobs, lives, children, and family and decide what we choose and what is important.
We are being called to see what one voice can do.
We are being called to see how our behaviors do have serious impacts on our world.
We are being called to look at every facet of this pandemic.
Our individual health. Our spiritual health. Our global health.
We are being called to look into this story. How did we get here? The story we tell ourselves and the story that is playing out right now in real time. It’s not a nightmare, it has arrived.
We are being called to take care of our minds.
We are being called to not hold hands right now, but take 6 feet of distance.
But in that 6 feet of distance, will you think of your brother or sister?
And in that distance, will your heart change?
Social distancing, a bold concept that had to arrive to wake us up in our daily lives.
We are being called at this time to pause, reflect and hit the reset button.
There’s time to begin again. We can do this one person at a time, one moment, one breath, one step.
Where there are people hoarding, it is a time to observe.
Where people have fear, it is a time to take refuge.
The seeds of each of us are being played out as we speak.
Regardless of your political, religious or background, we are being called to to bring back peace. Peace in one another, peace in our hearts and peace in our world.
Right now that may be 6 feet of distance and everything removed from our daily life to wake up.
Wake up America. The time has arrived.


Corona Reflections