Hi, I'm Christine!
I’m so glad you’ve landed here!
You arrived at this site to learn more about me – first and foremost I am a recovering pleaser and burnout survivor. I’m blessed with three kids under 7. I’m the middle child in my family. I can read situations very well. I’m intuitive, creative, and a lifelong learner.
The reason you are really here is because you’ve arrived—BURNED OUT.
You’re in the messy middle of life and career. You’ve oscillated between anxiety and depression and the story has not changed.
You might be asking yourself in this moment, is this all there is?
Is this my lot in life? The struggle. The unpredictability. The overwhelm.
And finally deciding that something has to shift.
The time is now. What are you waiting for?
That voice inside is saying, you need to show up for you. You need to be part of the equation. Your wellbeing is waiting for you to take the reins.
That’s what my client experience is like. You only have to move an inch. You don’t have to swim 10,000 miles. You do that every day.