Position eliminated. Keep moving towards your light.

On December 10th at 9:30 in the morning I was told that my position was eliminated.  Right out of the gate.  I have been processing so much over this over the past 8+ months but it was still a pretty big realization that the place I’ve been for just under 11 years was now coming to an end.  

It made me think about my situation on a personal level. But also a global one. 

Change is the only constant in our life. One's ability to adapt to those changes will determine the success in your life. 

We are all experiencing great amounts of change during this global crisis, personally, professionally, spiritually and in some crevices of our life that we never welcomed or wanted it to come in. In a lot of ways this position elimination has been what was supposed to happen to me at this time of my life.  Motherhood changes and shifts for so many of us and half the time, our blinders are on, and we’re so far up the “to do list” and the never ending requests, it’s hard to see beyond the “doing” fog.  For me though, I’ve had several months here to go inward and reflect on this pause in a way that I feel is going to nurture and create my next step in a way that helps me thrive.  Figuring out motherhood doesn’t happen in a day, not a moment, not even a lifetime, it's a gradual phase of learning, failing, forgiveness and finding where your footprint and magic lies within all of it.  It may feel like there’s different points of your life where that light is shining bright and other times where darkness and shadows enter. My hope is that 2021, I will continue on my journey of keeping the flicker on.  I hope to share this journey with a few new moms that are just trying to figure out what is in front of them.  I hope to untangle the struggle part of your life and get to the crux of coming back to balance.  Finding some peace. Finding some joy.  Finding a bit of self care.  I truly hope that in this season and the coming year we strive for more support, connectedness and way to thrive.  2020 has shown we know challenge and hardship.  But sometimes there just needs to be another way.   So that’s December...almost a wrap here.  Somehow I feel like the Christmas lights I’m seeing outdoors are also lit inside my heart.  I look forward to meeting you in the New Year!  


2021. Mothers. 5-point checklist.


Our dwellings. Staying present.