For moms that want to go from hamster wheel to happy.
Are you burning the candle from both ends? Are you constantly giving in all areas of your life personally, work, and for others with very little left for yourself?
You don’t deserve the crumbs in motherhood.
You want to feel empowered and supported but you know deep down your needs are not getting met and you’re often exhausted, overwhelmed, and depleted.
You are stuck in the same fight or flight mode of stress, overwhelm, and struggle to prioritize your needs too. Is this your reality?
❌ Limited time
❌ People pleasing
❌ Struggle to commit to boundaries
❌ Overload the schedule
❌ Struggle to ask for help.
❌ The CEO of family, operator, mental load master, and logistics person
❌ Often exhausted, defeated, unseen , and feel unappreciated.
❌ Judge yourself
❌ Recovering perfectionism
❌ Unrealistic expectations. Not allowing todays circumstances to play out and living in a paradigm that isn’t how it was when you grew up.
What would it feel like if you could settle into feeling more ease, support, and a thrive mindset as a working mom?
✔️ Feel empowered in your daily decisions
✔️ Have better awareness on what you need so you show up better at home, work, and in your community
✔️ Build compassion, capacity, and supports as it serves you in each season
✔️ Gain understanding that a little goes a long way, it’s progress over perfection
✔️ Thrive in all areas of life
Live with sustainable boundaries that serve you
Recognize your capacity at work and home
Ask for help and welcome it
Practice kindness towards myself
Align my work and lifestyle with wellbeing in mind
Cultivate a thriving mindset
Leave the hamster wheel
Feel supported and confident
You are ready to
There are many challenges that working moms face day in and day out. Many are out of your control and society doesn’t “have your back”. Smothered in unrealistic expectations, it can be hard to define success on your terms.
Our culture celebrates stress and overwhelm | many normalize lack of sleep | Mothers feel isolated and unseen and there aren’t a lot of supports for them | Work like you don’t have kids | Many feel like they have to do it all | We’re conditioned to be grateful, happy, and enjoy it | We’re conditioned to do it all | We don’t want to disappoint others …
And the list goes on

You need a system, support, and momentum forward. No more staying stuck and feeling depressed that you’re not making progress where you are and where you want to be. You hold the formula that works for you and the Momentum Mini Course can help.
In this program, you will move the needle on going from burnout to more ease with your life. We will accomplish this via becoming aware and intentional with our mindset and decisions. The goal of this program is to become aware of what patterns are coming up in your life personally and professionally and how we can make small tweaks to pour into yourself and prioritize the areas of your life that need to thrive!
Join me for this exclusive 7-day Momentum Mini Course for working moms.
Join me on this 7-day journey. I can’t wait to see you fly!
Modules We’ll Cover
Building Your Mindset
As working moms, we all can get derailed by anything and everything under the sun to put ourselves last on the priority list.
Building Awareness of Choice
Every day is a busy day and knowing that we have choice in our decisions is what can create a day that feels empowering or a day where we let everyone else’s needs get met before my own.
Boundaries can be leaky for any of us. There are many things coming at us from life, home, work, etc and it can be hard to distill what we need at the moment.
Begin with One Step
Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be a whole thing. You can choose one thing for yourself each day and schedule it.
Let Your Supports Know
Taking action means you’re doing it for yourself and showing your family that it will help you to be the best version of you. You don’t necessarily need to have their support, you just are letting them know that you will be doing this for you.
Begin Messy
It doesn’t have to be perfect every day. You can begin by trying this out each day. Remembering that your mindset and daily habit is what you’re focusing on. It’s progress over perfection.
Establishing Options
Not every week or season of life is going to look the same. One day it may be a walk. Another day it may be a short meditation. Another night it may be a bath. Or it could be just journaling. Whatever it is, it’s helpful to have alternates when it’s not the day to do the one thing you set out to do.
Staying On Track
Being a working mom is one of the hardest gigs on the planet. What may work for one person may not support another. Part of tending to your physical, emotional, and mental health is having support so you can stay accountable for your progress and goals.
This is a self paced mini course to jump start prioritizing your self care. You will leave this program feeling empowered and have momentum in your life. No more spinning your wheels and feeling isolated in #burnout.
We will focus on these 4 pillars;
Unapologetic about your needs
Intentional about what areas of your life you want to focus on
Empowered with your decisions
Laser focused on what you lean into week to week
One week self-paced mini course to help reset you as a working mom. Clean up the areas of your life that are depleting your energy and get empowered to go into your next month with ease.
We will touch on any of the following areas:
Micro Self care
Awareness of Choice
Staying on Track
Sharing with your support people
Beginning messy, trusting yourself
Establishing Options
Enough shooting from the hip exasperated.
It’s time to be conscious about our time, energy, and capacity within ourselves so we can show up as the best version for us and our families.
Christine Anastasia, Your Life Coach for working moms
Still unsure? Let’s connect!
I’d love to help you on your journey!
This is a self paced mini course. You will receive your daily video lesson each day for one week.
X. You’re a mom with littles and limited time
X. You have people pleaser tendencies
X. You struggle to commit to boundaries
X. You have a tendency to overload the schedule
X. You struggle to ask for help.
X. You are the ceo of family, operator, mental load master, and logistics person
X. You often exhausted, defeated, unseen , and feel unappreciated.
X. You may not have a lot of support from family or your spouse
X You judge yourself.
X. You are a recovering perfectionist
X. You have maintained unrealistic expectations for yourself.
This program probably isn’t for you if you’re hoping to;
• Solve your problems in a quick way
• Hoping that one thing is going to solve every area
• Unwilling to try small shifts to support yourself
• One size fits all approach
Feel free to write me at christine@christineanastasia.com or schedule a 20-minute call with me to chat and get your questions answered!