The in between
There’s something deeply personal about periods of transition. If we’re speaking of the seasons, fall always illuminates the change from summer. The leaves are changing. They are falling. They filled with brilliance of color. We can see the old leaves, the transition period, and the “peak” period. If we think about “Peak”, it’s a time that so many New Englanders and people from all over the world gravitate north to see the peak of foliage. If we are to draw an analogy, we can see that we are all drawn to this idea of optimal or “peak” in ourselves. And how to we get there? It’s different for everyone. It means different things. And we attach the idea of “peak” performance, “peak” in relationships, “peak” in health on our own terms. I’ve had the space in the “in between” time right now to reflect on this and it’s been hugely beneficial to my mind, body and soul to be able to feel the “peak” but just “be” instead of striving to get there. What a monumental transformation. And, what I mean by that is being in neutral mode, like the gear of a car. Stripping down the contriving. The pushing. The relentless mind pull. And just trusting that I have already arrived. I’m already where I need to be. This in between stage has served so many purposes for allowing. For service. For attracting goodness. For wellbeing. For living. For nurturing gifts. I’ve come to find out recently that in this period of not knowing what is coming next, I also feel deeply drawn that something good is coming my way since my light is on and people are seeing it reflect brightly. I looked at some pictures over a year ago where I was. My eyes were popping out of my skull and dilated. My body was moving but it was scared, fearful and searching for a way out. I was living in survival mode for nearly a year. At the time I didn’t have the means to know how to unravel and get back to the basics. Upon reflection, I do feel like much of that had to do with being clobbered with the idea that after you have a baby, you need to get back to work, support your family, and continue going on that exhausting cycle without support for yourself. Well, there’s a lot of layers that live in those cycles and until I really quieted myself and started to listen to that voice intently was when things really started to shift. On the macro level, it was my furlough that created the biggest opening for my expansion and the invitation to be fully authentic with my gifts and abilities. And there’s no going back. So as I begin to process my gifts, I’ve been logging areas of myself that have bloomed and continue to feed my soul. A few of them are here;
Expression of Writing: Blogging / writing / personal journaling
Coaching/Mentoring/Helping others: Exploring the coaching world - increased interest in Training & Development related to professional development. Special interest in helping women navigating this.
Arts: Creating / Crafting - I have been making wreaths and center pieces. Using my hands to create.
Project Management: I love being able to see projects through. I am a visual person and can look at the inside of a home and coordinate all the pieces start to finish as a ninja contractor project manager. I enjoy putting together all the elements to create a master finished piece. I usually can “eyeball” an area and create most of the pieces in my head.
Client Relationship Manager/Operations: I’m being drawn to roles for being able to serve others by helping/coaching them to find a Coach, professional development course or program that suits them on their journey. Because of my ongoing interest in the field, I feel very connected to this work.
So as I continue to nurture these parts of myself, I see that my expression of myself and gifts are coming out in a way to make me thrive in this next phase of my life. And I will share with great certainty, I am living the life right now that I want to live with my family. One that feels supported, nurtured and full. While I know that many roles in the workforce still adhere to 40 hour work weeks and traditional 9-5 schedules, maybe some remote time, I am seeking an alternative. I am bringing in and manifesting a role that fits comfortably into the life I created to be whole, with the many hats that I wear as a mom, daughter, sister, wife, friend, mentor, coach, empath, daughter in law, sister in law, aunt, soon-to-be part time employee, etc. You get the idea. Our lives are meant to be crafted and designed for us and we co-create our experiences. No one can make you take a position or a role or a job. We all have the ability and mindset to shift and make our experience be the painting that we want. So as I approach this fall with a full heart, I am creating a role that presents with my highest and best gifts to serve and fits into this stage of my life with a young family. There may not be many of those type of roles out there, but it starts with a feeling of abundance, service, gratitude and belief that it is coming. The “in between” stage is patient, kind, and ready to receive.